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Our Story

Watching the tragedy of the Syrian refugees daily on our TV screens in early 2016 prompted a handful of us to consider how we could help financially.


This led us to fund Eid al-Fitr 2016 and Eid al-Adha 2016 at Lesvos Solidarity-Pikpa refugee camp in Mitiline, Lesbos. A halal lamb Eid celebration dinner for the whole camp and gifts for the children was organised to help lift spirits and connect children to a familiar celebration. We visited this camp in Greece which takes care of the vulnerable refugee children and their families.

In October 2016, with winter approaching we purchased brand new winter clothing for women and children, as Pikpa had asked for warm clothing.

In June 2017 for Eid Al-Fitr we started distributing food packs for refugee families living in Moria and Kara Tepe refugee camps in Lesbos.

In August 2017 for Eid Al-Adha we led a joint effort for Qurbani when some 400 families from Moria and Kara Tepe refugee camps received a substantial Eid food pack plus 1 kilogram of halal lamb.


This experience made us realise that the most vulnerable refugees in Lesbos were women and children. Therefore, we organised to purchase and take a mobile kitchen bus overland from United Kingdom to Lesbos, Greece in September 2017. A women and children “safe space” was established in a rented warehouse outside Moria refugee camp from where hot, freshly made and nutritional food was provided initially 3 times per week to vulnerable women and children. In early 2018 we began to serve some 300 plus meals per day, 5 days per week. By March 2018 we were serving some 500 plus meals daily.


Our experience over the last 2 years has meant that we are now ready to establish a more comprehensive operation to take care of the thousands of women and children refugees who desperately need aid and assistance.


As a small group we self-funded almost all of the activities listed above. Now we are seeking donations and assistance from other like-minded people and organisations to further expand our care of refugees.


Please join us, you can donate to our bank account or to our PayPal accounted listed here below.



Bank Account:

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