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famine & sickness
in the gaza strip

We are feeding thousands of Palestinian women and children  in the Gaza Strip, whilst still maintaining support to families of refugees in Lesbos, Greece.

Sultana Foundation operates 4 kitchens in Gaza providing hot food to the brave civilians of Palestine who have been bombed out, we concentrate on feeding children and families.

As a small charity, we have limited means, we need your help more than ever,  so we can continue to feed people in famine!


Gaza's need is enormous and very  urgent, it's winter in Palestine, and there is only plastic sheeting to jury rig shelter, there is almost

no potable water or food even if there was, gas and firewood is almost impossible to find (unless you can afford 10 or 20 times the usual price).


Children are suffering from the cold and malnutrition which in turn increases susceptibility to sickness like; diarrhoea, influenza and Cholera like the next Israeli dropped; US supplied bomb is always nearby.

100% Donation Policy. All your donations including 25% gift aid your donation may qualify for, if you are a UK taxpayer. Gift aid is a form of tax rebate from your earnings and tax paid, given to a charity as part of your donation, which will go to aid Gaza's handicapped, orphaned and starving children and their families.


Please donate whatever you can... 


We continue focusing on alleviating the suffering of women and children fleeing wars since early 2016, and with 2 million people in Gaza cut off from food, water and shelter, we have found ourselves doing whatever is possible for the people of the Gaza Strip.

In November 2023 we began negotiations to open hot food kitchens in the Gaza Strip. Palestine has now become our major issue and we are already making a difference, we are changing lives and easing the suffering of many of the people of Gaza.

The first to establish a women's only safe space in

Lesbos, the"Sultana Centre" just outside Moria refugee camp in October 2017.

Please join us in caring for the needs of vulnerable women and children in Gaza and those in camps

in the Greek Island of Lesbos.

"Sultana Foundation Helps Families in Need!"

you can
to feed
in Gaza!


We have opened 4 kitchens in the Gaza Strip, and are feeding families every day, the conditions in Gaza are very, very difficult food is scarce locally & and prices are exponentially higher than before October 7th 2023, despite this we hope to open more kitchens soon.

Despite thousands of refugees continuing to arrive in Greece every month. The mainstream media no longer covers these events, even when dozens drown crossing the Aegean Sea from Turkey to Greece. Many of these refugees arrive after suffering years of war and strife in Syria. They are looking for safety and sanctuary.

On arrival, a very large majority of these refugees, including vulnerable women and children are placed in overcrowded, unsanitary camps and fed sub-standard food lacking nutrition and given inadequate shelter. These refugees are in desperate need of help. We focus on identifying the most vulnerable women and children via our network of contacts and assist them by providing food and some of their other basic needs.  


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These are the first children we fed in Gaza...

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